Request Help

To request help for yourself or someone that you know that is in need, please fill out the following basic information and we will review it and contact you on in regards to the formal grant application process that we follow to review and evaluate request per our process and the required processes of the IRS to be able to give both individual and organizational grants and donations.

Individual grant request

Person in Need:  First & last, name,  phone and email
Person filling out Request: First & last, name,  phone and email
Circumstances to which give rise to this request:

Once we review and approve your initial request to start the application process, we will send formal grant application.


Organizational Grant Request – Must be 501c3 Organization – will be required to provide documentation

Organization Name:
Contact info of person requesting: First & last, name,  phone and email
Organization Mission:
Reason for Donation Request:

Once we review and approve your initial request to start the donation process, we will send any other formal donation request documentation.

Contact form